Kanchanpur district is in Sudurpaschim Pradesh. The total population of the district is 448503. There are a total of 302509 eligible voters in the district, of them, 146846 are male and 155662 are female. There are 3 House of Representatives consituencies in the district and 6 provincial constituencies.

2079 2074

Federal Parliament 2079

Kanchanpur - Constituency 1

Tara Lama Tamang (CPN UML) won with 24943 votes in Kanchanpur Constituency 1 defeating Bina Magar (CPN Maoist) who secured 19400 votes in Federal Parliament Elections 2079.

Kanchanpur - Constituency 2

Narayan Prakash Saud (Nepali Congress) won with 28136 votes in Kanchanpur Constituency 2 defeating Nar Bahadur Dhami (CPN UML) who secured 21682 votes in Federal Parliament Elections 2079.

Federal Parliament 2074

Constituency : 1

Constituency : 2

Constituency : 3

Data Source : Election Commission and Central Bureau of Statistics